
Specialty Solvents


Production of Resolute Oil's MaxSol specialty solvents begins with a robust source of Pennsylvania-grade crude that undergoes a hydrotreatment process to enhance color and improve odor characteristics while retaining excellent solvency properties that are critical to many applications and formulations.

We created the MaxSol product line for our customers in the graphic arts, resin, and allied industries to serve as the primary solvent component in heatset lithographic paste inks and pigment flushes. Also, compatibility with a variety of resin systems allows optimal performance of MaxSol when incorporated into resin solutions and vehicle formulations.

MaxSol has also found use in specialty applications such as metalworking fluids, additive carriers, caulks, and paper defoamers.

MaxSol specialty solvents are offered in a variety of distillation ranges and are available in bulk tanker truck and railcar quantities.

MaxSol Products

Note: Products are identified by a number (e.g., MaxSol 185) that corresponds to the product's typical flash point in °F.
MaxSol 185
MaxSol 230
MaxSol 250
MaxSol 280

MaxSol Properties

  • Optimal aromatics (~10%)
  • Great solvency
  • Consistent evaporation rates
  • Water-white in color
  • Highly saturated
  • Low sulfur
  • Low wax
  • Low pour points
  • Most meet FDA 21 CFR 178.3620(c)

MaxSol Applications

  • Resin/pigment diluent
  • Paints & stains
  • Rubber manufacturing
  • Degreasing
  • Pest control

Is this the right product? Need pricing?

Reach out to our team for information and pricing on MaxSol.